
From Post-Self
Revision as of 21:03, 24 March 2025 by Makyo (talk | contribs) (Add Idumea mention)
Forked 56+187
Quit 277+48
Down-Tree Beholden

Beholden To The Music Of The Spheres was a long-lived up-tree of Beholden forked when A Finger Pointing forked A Finger Curled to step away from the busier, more political life in order to lean into domesticity. She retained many of her ties to her cocladists, having others from the fifth stanza over for meals and acting as one of Motes's "weird, gay aunts". When A Finger Curled was lost in the Century Attack, Muse quit one week later after it became clear that she would not come back. Beholden did not keep the memories resulting from this for fear of losing her sense of self, which became one of her biggest regrets.
