Character Setup

From Post-Self
  1. @describe yourself
  2. Select your pronouns
  3. Choose your @species
  4. Set up your perisystem record
This article is part of the MUCK Guide .
« Getting Around • Character Setup • Forking »

Although it is sufficient to name your character, jump into the Old Town Square, and get right to roleplaying, the advantage of the MUCK environment is that it is so much more than a glorified chatbox. MU*s take place in a physical world whose contents have various interactive properties.

Command Usage


@desc me = <text>

@desc allows you to describe anything you control, which is what is displayed whenever someone looks at you.

> @desc me = Time Is A Finger Pointing At Itself of the Ode clade (or, preferably, A Finger 
Pointing) is a tallish Odist with a flair for the dramatic and a wiliness about nearly everything she does.%R%RHer hair's obligate curl has been harnessed into a chic style in its own right, complementing her characteristically wicked grin.                      

> look me
A Finger Pointing(#12PXcW)‌

Time Is A Finger Pointing At Itself of the Ode clade (or, preferably, A Finger
Pointing) is a tallish Odist with a flair for the dramatic and a wiliness     
about nearly everything she does.                                             
Her hair's obligate curl has been harnessed into a chic style in its own      
right, complementing her characteristically wicked grin.                      

A Finger Pointing just looked at you.‌


pronouns <group>

You can see which pronoun groups are available by writing pronouns.

> pronouns
Elverson, Epicene, Fae, Feminine, Intersex, Masculine, Neuter, Plural, Singular, Spivak, and Vers

You can also look at the in-game documentation by writing help pronouns, which should offer more detail about nonbinary pronouns.

> help pronouns

  pronouns <preset>

  The first form of this command displays a list of pronoun presets that you
  can apply to yourself.

  The second form of this command applies <preset> to your character,
  and displays a test string which you can read to ensure your pronouns are set

  SINGULAR and PLURAL are special pronoun sets that define what grammar should
  be used when referring to you.  It determines whether you are referred to
  with phrases like "Ve is / They is" or "Ey are / She are".

  EPICENE is the inclusive pronoun "They / Them".
  NEUTER is the object pronoun "It / Its".
  ELVERSON is the neopronoun "Ey / Em".
  SPIVAK is the neopronoun "E / Em".
  VERS is the neopronoun "Ve / Ver".
  INTERSEX is the neopronoun "Shi / Hir".
  FAE is the neopronoun "Fae / Faer".

  Related Topics: examine, @set, post-self functions, post-self commands.

Unless your pronouns are specifically They / Them, you probably want to select the singular group.

> pronouns singular
A friend said of A Finger Pointing, "They was always so vibrant; their laughter was so pointedly *theirs* that you could not mistake them for anyone else. “There they goes making fun of themself again!” we would always say. “They always has the last laugh!” They is sorely missed, and as they leaves our lives, let us remember those resonant barks each time we are tickled by their memory."‌

Then you can select the group that sets up the correct pronouns.

> pronouns feminine
A friend said of A Finger Pointing, "She was always so vibrant; her laughter was so pointedly *hers* that you could not mistake her for anyone else. “There she goes making fun of herself again!” we would always say. “She always has the last laugh!” She is sorely missed, and as she leaves our lives, let us remember those resonant barks each time we are tickled by her memory."‌

If what you are looking for is not listed, reach out to someone with @Manage ACLs in the Discord server or contact a Wizard in-game.


@species <text>

@species is primarily shown when someone uses lWho to get information about the characters nearby.

> lwho
Name                   Pronouns    Species                             Idle   ‌
A Finger Pointing      She / Her   Human                               0s
Loam                   Ey / Em     Human                               5m1s
Motes                  She / Her   Skunklet!                           8m48s  
Sasha                  She / Her   Cinnamon Skunk                      4m6s   ‌
                                 End of LWho                                  ‌

You can change your species by writing @species <text>.

> @species Skunk

Perisystem Records

peri <field> = <text>

peri <target> allows you to find basic information about another cladist by name.

> peri A Finger Pointing
Time Is A Finger Pointing At Itself of the Ode clade (She / Her)
Forked from Michelle Hadje on 0+103.‌

To set up your own records, you first need to find out which fields are available by writing peri.

> peri
signifier clade origin timestamp‌

Then you can go through each one using peri <field> = <text>.

> peri signifier = Time Is A Finger Pointing At Itself

> peri clade = of the Ode clade

> peri origin = Michelle Hadje

> peri timestamp = 0+103

If your origin field is unset, your perisystem record will change to describe you as a root instance.

> peri origin =

> peri me
Luísa Souto dos Riãos (Ey / Em)
Uploaded on -1+103.