
From Post-Self
This article is part of the MUCK Guide .
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This is the Post-Self MUCK! Of course you can fork!

Command Usage

Creating A Fork

fork <tag>

To create a new fork, you could simply type fork.

> fork
A Finger Pointing forks into A Finger Pointing#DA4076A1.‌
Default fork set to #DA4076A1.‌

You probably want to name your fork, however, for convenience. To do so, you can write fork <tag>.

> fork Demo
A Finger Pointing forks into A Finger Pointing#Demo.‌
Default fork set to #Demo.‌

This creates a type of object called a Puppet, which basically behaves like an extension of your character. Traditionally, these are used to represent pets or NPCs; they still can, but doing so with the fork command will not work very well.

Controlling A Fork

> <tag> = <command>

This is the one case where you are actually supposed to type the > at the start. To control a fork, write > <command>.

> > : waves!
A Finger Pointing#Demo waves!

If you want to control a fork other than the last one you controlled, write > <tag> = <command>.

> > Previous = " Hello, #Demo.
A Finger Pointing#Previous says, "Hello, #Demo."
Default fork set to #Previous.

You can also write an abbreviated version of the fork's tag.

> > prev = " Still me!
A Finger Pointing#Previous says, "Still me!"



A fork can quit at any time by using the quit command.

> > demo = quit
A Finger Pointing#Demo quits.

Alternatively, you can use quit 1, bubbling up instead of merging down. This teleports you to the fork before they quit.

> > demo = quit 1
A Finger Pointing bubbles up to #Demo.

Memory Management

If you want to store a memory, you can write memo <text>.

> memo May Then My Name thinks dandelions smell like muffins.
Memory saved.

You can look up a list of stored memories with memo.

> memo
280+51.90: May Then My Name thinks dandelions smell like muffins.‌


The best way to represent an individuated fork is to create a new character. If you simply rename them or make a puppet from scratch, their forks will technically be your direct up-trees, inheriting none of their properties. This is because only one generation of forks is represented under the hood; forks of forks are flattened down. Roleplay is the means by which more diverse clade structures are expressed.