
From Post-Self
Revision as of 15:40, 13 September 2024 by Makyo (talk | contribs) (Initial creation)
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Space Station 14 is a multiplayer roleplaying game where players live out life on a station, each working their jobs, building relationships with each other, and dealing with chaos — everything from lowly mouse infestations up to nuclear operatives threatening to destroy everything. There are many different servers with different focuses and RP levels, each with their own lore, though many share the idea that you are employees of Nanotrasen, a galaxy-spanning corporation with dubious ethics. Given the game's setting in the 2500s, the lore has been stretched to include 'downloads', a way of putting a single instance into a semibiological brain within a (mostly) biological body. These instances can be reuploaded to reconcile with their down-trees sys-side.

Most have found themselves writing on Delta-V, particularly the Periapsis server. We welcome you to come join us in playing out the (non-canon or protocanon) lives of cladists in a setting outside the System!