What Right Have I

From Post-Self
Revision as of 17:29, 5 February 2024 by Makyo (talk | contribs) (Add infobox)
What Right Have I
Clade the Ode clade
Forked 28
Down-Tree [[Rav From Whence]]

What Right Have I of the Ode clade is an Odist and member of the third stanza. As an up-tree of From Whence, a Rabbi, she is devoutly Jewish. She was forked in 28 when From Whence grew tired of masking neurodivergencies that all of the Odists share, and presents as quite autistic and anxious with stammering speech and both verbal and movement tics. She is a skunk-type Odist and is often seen in loose clothing: linen tunics with woolen trousers.

