Clade — A Post-Self Anthology

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The cover for Clade

Clade — A Post-Self Anthology is an anthology of ten short stories by various authors. It was funded via the Mitzvot Kickstarter.

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Clade (n) – /kleɪd/ – post-self theory

A group of individuals patterned off a single root consciousness, formed through branching expansion of the forking of its constituent members.

See also: cladistics, cocladist, up-/down-/cross-tree instance, forking, post-self theory.

— The System Central Library Encyclopedia

To split oneself among however many individuals, to let the mind drift and diverge, to feel the world from points of view not your own, and then let those memories crash down into you…well, it inspires a feeling best described as ‘heady’, to say the least.


  • "Sufficiently Advanced" by Rob MacWolf
  • "Genre Clade" by Nathan “Domus Vocis” Hopp
  • "Après un rêve" by Madison Scott-Clary
  • "Support Group for Anomalies in Forking" by Michael Miele
  • "Cowboy" by Alexandria Christina Leal
  • "True Love Lies Within and Without" by Thomas "Faux" Steele
  • "The Big O" by Evan Drake
  • "She Who Haunts the Storm" by JS Hawthorne
  • "Earthbound" by Kergiby
  • "Cascade Failure" by Joel Kreissman

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