MUCK:Communication: Difference between revisions

From Post-Self
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To send an action with no space after your name, omit the space after the `:` or `;`.
To send an action with no space after your name, use `;` instead and omit the space.

> :'s glasses fall off!
> ;'s glasses fall off!
A Finger Pointing's glasses fall off!
A Finger Pointing's glasses fall off!

Latest revision as of 17:17, 20 February 2024

This article is part of the MUCK Guide .
Communication • Getting Around »

This guide includes broad-strokes instructions about a variety of commands, which you can look up in-game via help <command>. You can also find a list of available commands with help commands and help post-self commands. If you are struggling to figure something out, please ping the @MUCK Guide role in the Discord server.

Commands sent to the MUCK are usually not shown to others. In order to speak, you must actually send a command instructing the server to send a message to others.


A MU* such as this is organized into many rooms, which have a list of characters and objects inside of them. The following commands relate to communicating to those people who exist in the same room; generally, nobody outside the room can hear you. To see which room you are in — and who is in it with you — write look here.


say <message> or " <message>

say simply spits out some in-character dialogue, such as:

> " Hello, world!
A Finger Pointing says, "Hello, world!"


pose <action> or ; <action> or : <action>

pose works in much the same way, except that it is displayed as an action.

> : waves!
A Finger Pointing waves!

To send an action with no space after your name, use ; instead and omit the space.

> ;'s glasses fall off!
A Finger Pointing's glasses fall off!

%R is a special character that creates a newline. This works in nearly any command, but is particularly useful for multi-paragraph poses. If you are using BeipMU, there is a configurable hotkey that automatically converts newlines (written with Shift+Enter) to %R. By default, this key combo is set to F1.

> : stands up with a sigh.%R%R"I wish you the best, my dear," she says, offering a bow.
A Finger Pointing stands up with a sigh.

"I wish you the best, my dear," she says, offering a bow.


@emit <message> or \ <message>

@emit allows you to send a message that does not begin with your name.

> \ On her way out, A Finger Pointing waves goodbye.
On her way out, A Finger Pointing waves goodbye.


whisper <target> = <message> or w <target> = <message>

whisper allows you to send a private message to one or more people in the same room.

> w Slow Hours = Psst!
Whisper (Slow Hours): A Finger Pointing says, "Psst!"

Whisper (A Finger Pointing): Slow Hours says, "Yes?"

When you send a whisper, the last target is saved; you can send another message to the same target by writing w <message>.

> w Here!
Whisper (Slow Hours): A Finger Pointing says, "Here!"

You can also send actions by starting your message with : or ;.

> w : hands over a treat.
Whisper (Slow Hours): A Finger Pointing hands over a treat.

To target multiple people, separate their names with ,.

> w Slow Hours, Motes = Hey! Come over here, you two!
Whisper (Slow Hours, Motes): A Finger Pointing says, "Hey! Come over here, you two!"

Whisper (A Finger Pointing, Slow Hours): Motes says, "Coming!"
Whisper (Motes, A Finger Pointing): Slow Hours says, "One moment."

> w Thank you!
Whisper (Slow Hours, Motes): Thank you!


ooc <message> or ' <message>

OOC sends a message to the room marked as out-of-character.

> ooc brb!
[OOC] A Finger Pointing says, "brb!"‌

> ooc : returns!
[OOC] A Finger Pointing returns!‌



pub <message>

The ComSys is a set of global channels that span the entirety of the MUCK. By default, everyone is connected to pub.

> pub Hello, everyone!
[Public] A Finger Pointing says, "Hello, everyone!"

> pub : is eager to get started.
[Public] A Finger Pointing is eager to get started.

You can get a list of available channels using @clist, then add yourself to one of the channels with addcom <alias> = <channel>. From that point on, you can send messages to that channel by writing <alias> <message>.

> @clist
*** Channel       Owner           Description‌
P-- Odists        Slow Hours      No description.                              ‌
PL- Public        The Dreamer     No description.                              ‌
P-- Riãos         The Dreamer     No description.                              ‌
-- End of list of Channels --‌

> addcom ode = Odists
Channel Odists added with alias ode.‌

> ode I am here!
[Odists] A Finger Pointing says, "I am here!"

You can leave a channel with delcom <alias>.

> delcom ode
Alias ode for channel Odists deleted.‌


page <target> = <message> or p <target> = <message>

page works essentially the same as whisper, except that it works even if the recipients are in a different room.

> p Slow Hours = Coming?
Sensorium (Slow Hours): A Finger Pointing says, "Coming?"

Sensorium (Slow Hours): Slow Hours says, "Yes, just a moment!"

> p : waits patiently.
Sensorium (Slow Hours): A Finger Pointing waits patiently.

You can send a quick ping with p <target> =.

> p Slow Hours =
Sensorium (Slow Hours): A Finger Pointing sends a ping.

> p =
Sensorium (Slow Hours): A Finger Pointing sends a ping.


All of the previous commands are only useful if the characters you are interacting with are awake! If somebody has logged out, and you want to leave them a message, you will need to use @mail. However, this command does not work at all like the others; it is really rather involved, so this guide will focus on the basics.

To send mail, write @mail/quick <recipients>/<subject> = <message>.

> @mail/quick "Slow Hours" Motes/Blockparty Invitation = My dears,%R%RYou have been invited to our seasonal blockparty!
MAIL: You sent your message to Slow Hours.‌
MAIL: You sent your message to Motes.‌

If you receive mail while logged in, you will be notified immediately.

MAIL: You have a new message from A Finger Pointing. Subject: Blockparty Invitation‌

If you receive mail while asleep, you will be notified when you next log in.

MAIL: 1 messages in folder 0 [unnamed] (1 unread, 0 cleared).‌

To see the list of messages in your inbox, simply write @mail. The N on the far left indicates an unread message.

> @mail
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––   MAIL: Folder 0   –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
[-------] 1   (  65) From: Dry Grass              Sub: Re: Hammered Silver
[-------] 2   (  13) From: Beholden               Sub: Motes's Birthday?
[N------] 3   (  14) From: A Finger Pointing      Sub: Blockparty Invitation

You can read a particular message with @mail <ID>. The first number on the left is the message's ID.

> @mail 3
3           From:  A Finger Pointing    At: Mon Feb 19 16:27:02 2404    (Conn)
Fldr   : 0  Status: Unread
To     : Slow Hours, Motes                                                            
Subject: Blockparty Invitation
My dears,

You have been invited to our seasonal blockparty!

If you want to delete mail, you can use @mail/clear <ID>. It will be set cleared, which means it will be permanently removed from your inbox after you log out.

> @mail/clear 3
MAIL: Msg #3 cleared.‌